Move On

I think it safe to say that I’m not doing so great of a job of maintaining two blogs at once–in fact, it’s been well over 2 months since I wrote in even one.  And so, I am deciding to focus now only on my other blog, Victoria in Chicago.  Anything I need to write about will be done over there. 

Thanks for reading!  See ya on the other side 🙂

Britney Spears: She’s Only the Princess of Pop, Maybe


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You know what you should do–go to youtube and just start searching Britney Spears music videos.  What a blast to the past!  Oh Britney, who introduced so many young girls to their own sexuality, changed the path of pop music ( and thus every sleep over in American households) forever, and gave to both girls and boys all over the world a plethora of material for seriously rad mixed tapes and burned cds.  But it’s easy to see why; Spears mixes the bubble gum, the sexual flirtation, the modern art, and the feel-good dance beats that are all so patternistic in the entertainment palate of the times.  How glad serious fans must be then, that her formula for fun hasn’t changed in the past decade and change.

The video for Hold it Against Me faintly follows the age-old music video style of telling a story, like a mini-movie, but doesn’t do so in a strong or concrete enough way to keep up with artists like Madonna or Katy Perry (See Papa Don’t Preach and Last Friday Night (TGIF)).  However, every still demands attention as colors and images and men in colored briefs and logos flash across the screen.  Britney starts stomping her feet, and suddenly its like we’re all back in 2002.  Despite the scandal, rough vocals, and lacking lyrics, she continues to give us numbers that entertain in a way only cheap pop music can.  It’s just plain fun.

But on a deeper look, Britney’s music proves to be as innocence-lacking and motive-driven as she herself was back when she was playing with that one guy’s heart and got lost in whatever virtual game she was playing, or something…

Firstly, please notice the labels that flash across the screen–about 6 in all, including her own perfume.  Secondly, the background televisions flashing her old music videos.  Is it just me, or do both these two item just scream personal PR? Thirdly, the Gaga-esque nails, which of course, not only Spears is guilty of jumping on the freak bandwagon (‘if nothing else, my bizarre and completely impractical nails with the forks and tubes and chain saws attached will make my music video totally cool.’)  Seriously, how does Ke$ha even get the tops off her vodka bottles?  Unless, maybe…the answer is in the question…

In all seriousness, this 2011 installment of Spearstastic tunes is a perfect study of American entertainment mentality, as well as our current pop culture fetishes.  To keep this entry from being any longer or wordier (Abe Lincoln would have my head), I will give you a list:

  1. She is building her own empire through projective media publishing and self-history.  Can anyone say capitalistic mentality spilled over into art?
  2. All you need is good dance music, and all your problems are solved.  Everyone hooks up at the club all the time.  What do you do on Friday nights?
  3. Strange nail art.
  4. We all fight who we are, and in that we will discover our truth (how else do we explain her sudden fetish with Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots?)
  5. Freak is better than normal; it makes you sexy, and when in the spotlight gives off a ‘stick it to ’em’ feel to all the preps for the rest of the world.  Supposedly.
  6. Sex is what we want.  In everything.  All the time.  Right?
  7. The rise of photography and common interest in related artifacts (tools, objects, ie, cameras and lenses).
  8. The end of the world (See her own Till the World Ends, Party Rock, scores of movies over the past two decades such as Armageddon, Deep Impact, Cloverfield, I Am Legend, Wall-E, whatever that mediocre movie Tom Cruise was in like five years ago…)
  9. The search for the true love trumps all, as long as we’re happy with it in the moment.
  10. Our music is our entertainment, not our achievement.

My last thought, in conclusion, is that Britney should stick to dancing.  The video (and song, actually) only get interesting when she actually breaks out the concise choreography, in-sync back-up dancers, and starts jumping herself.  The music drags her down, and she has better talent than she’s expressing in her music videos.  And the rest of us are left with second-rate follow ups to the true freaks and party girls.  I’m moving on from paint-filled fingers to alien-human romances faster than Britney can change film shots in this video….Bring it on, Katy.

Boundaries Shmoundaries.


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This seems to be Human Rights week for me; I would like to make an admonition for another group of underprivileged peoples, but not ones who are generally a part of slave labor (though they are often under-payed, over-worked, and poorly treated by the money-hungry and cruel).

You may hate me for this statement when I reveal that this group of needy and stigmatized are actually undocumented immigrants.
In a way of fighting for these people to be removed our from under the light of greatest sinners and thieves and irresponsibles, I ask you to read Kristin Bruce’s blog on the topic. Whether or not you believe in what Jesus Christ preached, I think that her compassion for people because they are people will speak strongly. Here in the United States we have so much power, so much ability, and thus, so much responsibility.

We all make greatly important choices everyday, and hopefully the choices that we make and the thinking with which we approach and solve those choices will make us great, as well as the people around us.  Because in the end, if we haven’t changed the lives of people around us, then we are never truly changed ourselves, and our community has been a sham.

Happy, Chocolatey Halloween


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If you grocery shop ever, or drink coffee even a little, or know a handful of people from the ago of about 25 and down, then you’ve probably heard about a little something called Fair Trade products, or about the little issue of human slave labor.  These two topics are often strongly connected with the coffee bean production/market as well as clothing, but what has been slightly more unknown to the general American public is the great controversy that candy companies and chocolate makers are finding themselves in in recent times due to their chocolate being grown, harvested, and refined by ill-treated and under-paid farmers, families, children, and workers throughout many under-developed countries.

Two companies that have been at the fore-front of criticism and controversy in regards to chocolate are Hershey’s and Nestle, neither of which really seem to be making an effort to improve their business and humanitarian ethicality (yes, I’m aware I made that word up).  But good news!  Mars Co is!  The purpose of this post is to draw your attention to the fact that Mars has partnered with the Fair Trade movement to encourage and support sustainable, healthy business to those who produce one of the most beloved foods in the world.  So this Halloween, buy lots of M&Ms and Skittles, and maybe pass up on the Kisses.  As consumers, we hold great, big sway over the great, big companies.  Use your monetary voices!

Another great outlet in which you can support delicious Fair Trade is Divine Chocolate.  Definitely more on the expensive side, but I’ve had it and it is definitely comparable to Dove.  Which is actually owned by Mars.  So if Divine will break the bank, don’t go into withdrawal because you have your options.

To read up more on the actions being taken in the great saga of the chocolate wars, go to and get your study on.  And become a more conscious shopper and choco-fatty.  Especially during Halloween, as it is a prime opportunity to teach the younger generations about modern justice and goodwill towards all humanity.  Woah, it’s beginning to sound like Christmas up in here…



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So, I don’t eat meat.

And many, many people are telling me that I had better start eating protein or I’m going to get very sick.  Well, correction–I’ve already gotten very sick.  There was that 10-day stint back in March…ugh.   As is obvious to be understood, I’ve got to start including more protein in my diet.

My first plan of action is legumes; lentils, more specifically.  The only thing is, I’m  baffled as to how to make them more tasty and less dusty tasting.  I’ve tried apples–not so much.  I’m thinking garlic, onion, parsley…?

The second plan of action is nuts.  Which, are legumes as well, I believe.  I had a peanut donut this morning, for starters.  The almonds are coming next, as well as the soy milk.

If anyone has any great vegetarian ideas, please share!  And I would recommend NOT watching Food, Inc. if you have a desire to have your current food habits uninterrupted.  The chickens will get to you, I swear it.

But it’s no matter.  I’m loving life with the broccoli and the mangos and the french bread and the pasta and the black beans.  And I believe I sense a tofu adventure on the horizon…

Bon Iver


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Over the past few years, Bon Iver has popped into my musical social circles at unexpected times, but always his art and creation has spurred warm felicity in myself, as well as many other music lovers across the board.  I was initially introduced by him to a resident of mine who was also in a class with me.  One of our assignments was to culturally analyze a song, and she picked Skinny Love.  Of course, if you listen to Skinny Love, there is no possibility of not joining the BI Bandwagon–I was mesmerized.

From the range of the lyric and genius musicality, to the ingenuity of the technicality and beauty of inspiration, Bon Iver’s music is a holistic experience which represents the hardy, independent, American pursuit of freedom and self-expression that is so valued in our current culture.  Not part of the freakish trend of pop, or the let-me-tell-it-to-you-straight mannerisms of the hip-hop genre, Justin Vernon finds the indie path (much less taken until it became popular) for his own voice to call to those who would identify with him.

Jangly guitar and melancholy vocals pair up to create a perfectly imperfect number for the purpose of serenading those of us who make like him, and go on personal journeys of self-discovery and honesty.  Or, at least wish we did.

The Grey Seal



The grey seal, Halichoerus grypus, was discovered by the French early explorers and was dubbed loup marin which I translate to mean “sea wolf”.  It was named this by those crazy Frenchies because of it’s call, similar to that of a wolf’s lamenting cry.  Later on, the French and English both began to refer to the grey seal as a horsehead because of its long, narrow head (  These animals were spotted up and down the North Atlantic coast, being first referenced by Jacques Cartier’s anonymous scribe in 1535 who referred to them as “fish, in appearance like unto horses”, and afterwards being nicknamed “sea horses” (CRESLI).   In the settlement of the North Atlantic land by the English and French, the seals were heavily hunted and slaughtered for their thick blubber, which could be refined to oil and sold at a high price.  The oil was also useful to the settlers for eating or burning, and so many, many seals were killed on the shores (Greyseal).

But they survived!  And are still around!  Praise God, for they are lovely.  These animals grow up to 800 lbs for males, and 400 lbs for females (Smithsonian).  These animals have color patterns of black and white, with variations on which color is more dominant, though the males tend to be darker than the females in their coloring.  The pups are very beautiful, being white with a bit of a yellowish tint when they are born!  This snowy-white fur coat, called laguno, changes about the third week after birth.  These seal pups are very dependent upon their mothers, and are looked after for three weeks on land once they are born (CRESLI).  Each day that their mother feeds them, the pups will gain up to two lbs a day (Smithsonian).  After these initial three weeks, the mother will leave her pups to feed and grow, and upon returning, will find and identify her pup by their smell.  Mothers are incredibly protective over their young (CRESLI).

These precious pups grow into the incredible mammals like the one on the left (She can be visited at the Lincoln Park Zoo!).  The have powerful flippers that move them through the water, and their process of retaining and conserving oxygen and slowing heart rate to stay under water longer is amazing.  The conserved oxygen actually works to help break down foods so that the body doesn’t have to use extra energy.  Their bodies are streamlined for gliding through the water, by their shape, as well as their slick, waterproof fur coat.  They eat fish and mollusks and shrimp regularly, and have also been known to eat eel, octopus, and lobster, amongst other fish (Lincoln Park Zoo; Wikipedia; Smithsonian).

I think Seals are wonderful, and there is so much more to learn about them; they are my current favorite animal!  Sometimes I go to LPZ and watch them like a little kid as they swim and glide through the Kovler Sea Lion Pool.  It’s pretty magical, and I always feel peaceful when I leave…

What’s your favorite animal?!


References (I’m too lazy right now to format…deal.) (accessed 9/13/11) (accessed 9/15/11) (accessed 9/15/11) (accessed 9/15/11) (accessed 9/15/11)

Beginnings and Middles and Ends


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The other night at work I was reading The Message on-line.  I’m reading Ecclesiastes right now, and in my late-night reading, I discovered verse 8 of Chapter 7:

“Endings are better than beginnings,
Sticking to it is better than standing out.”

These words jumped out at me for a couple of reasons.  And they are 1) Chicago and 2) Humboldt Park.  The place I’m at in life is really great–things have worked out so well for me, so many of my friends and family have been right behind me cheering me on.  I even have a friend next to me in everything.  Simplified, it’s been sunshine here in the Land of Lincoln with the Homeless Guys.  But, of course, this is real life, and glitter on new things rightfully fades.  Of course, I am still happy, still grateful, and still love where I am.  But with the settling down into a routine and an everyday comes the challenges of committment, of everyday decision, and responsibility.

So the two lines that Solomon put down forever ago jumped high into my eye and through to my brain.  It’s awesome that I’ve come here, it’s awesome that I accepted this philanthropic job, but it’s only really awesome if I’m dedicated to these things as my life, one that is lived in excellence (thank you Allison Casey for emphasizing the element of excellence in life!).

Kierkegaard discusses the importance of decisions.  He says that: “A road well begun is the battle half-won.  The important thing is to make a beginning and get under way.  There is nothing more harmful for your soul than to hold back and not get moving.”  And it’s true; all of what he says is.  If a good foundation is laid through a strong decision, than the theme of your action and course is sounded, there is purpose and direction and molding to what will happen next.  And the relief of making a decision and stepping out in action is huge.  Reversely, the pressure of never deciding is oppressive and destructive.  In fact, Kierkegaard says in regard to indecisiveness, that “failure to decide prevents one from doing what is good”, and that “the archenemy of decision is cowardice”.  We are cowards when we cannot say left or right, yes or no, blue or red, because there is no committment, no responsibility, no plan of action that excludes other plans and ideas. 

But truly, a decision cannot finish a job.  Just because I accepted the position of Resident Aide does not mean that I am a good one, or that I am fulfilling my position exceptionally or excellently.  No.  As Kierkegaard, again, would say, “decision may be once and for all; but decision itself is only the first thing.”  There is so much after the “yes, I’d love to!  thanks!”  Firstly, I have to show up, then I have to rise to challenges, then i have to continue with the same committment I started with, and then I have to tailor my actions according to the truth that I learn.  The decision has to continue and mature along with the journey it first set me on.

Yes, the beginning is exciting.  But it is the ending that verifies the purity, integrity and impact that the beginning initially promised, or at least hoped for.

[Lines from Kierkegaard taken from Provocations: Spiritual Writings of Kierkegaard ed. by Charles E. Moore, pgs. 4, 6, 7.]

Lay it Down


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It’s been almost three weeks, and already I’m in a love/hate relationship with my job. Let me tell you, this makes me feel extremely ungrateful. God has given me this job, hasn’t he? Then why do I want a different one? Oh, I am a fickle creature. The thing is, I have always wanted to work with homeless men. I just didn’t realize that whether or not you have a house or not, some adults act like children. I did not know that it spanned the entire human race–I thought it was only specific to those who have been spoiled or sheltered or who are completely evil. And i’ve never viewed homeless men as any of those things, and so now my whole frame of reference is shattered.

I love these men; I really do. I want the best for them, so, so badly. I don’t really know how to give that to them, or how to create situations and environments where they learn. In fact, I nearly got in an argument with one man tonight because he was so angry about someone possibly taking something from him that he feels he’s entitled to. My instinct is to smash selfishness, but perhaps I should be addressing the hurt that feels the need to cling to what should be his? I start to hear these thoughts in my head, but I honestly don’t know how to make them fit in the context.

So I’ve been praying, “God, I know you gave me this job, and I thank you for it. Show me what to do.” And the first thing I heard back is, “give yourself away for them”…

This job is going to strip me bare, and I think that I have to do it anyways.